Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant
Tania is a Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant. Tania has been working as an SLPA at Semiahmoo Speech Services for the past six years, also notably being the first SLPA to come aboard at SSS!
She came all the way from Ontario and graduated from Brock University. She specified in ‘Speech and Language Sciences’ and completed a Bachelor of Art degree in ‘Communication Disorders’. She is a part of CDAAC (Communication Disorders Assistant Association of Canada) and is honoured to work together with Speech-Language Pathologists to implement therapy goals for a wide range of people in need.
She would say that the best part of her job is that she is able to work with a variety of populations, and enjoys them all! She sees many preschoolers and school aged children who have all different speech and language needs, and children and teens who are on the Autism Spectrum. Assisting in helping to transform the lives of individuals and families through effective communication is above all else, the most important thing!
In her spare time, she loves to get outside any chance she gets, rain or shine. She enjoys cooking and Yoga and has a love for ALL dogs, although she doesn’t have her own, yet…